Monday 11 October 2010

Lilsumo Interview

Luke Preece and Brett Elesmore from Lilsumo performed for us in the Squatter's Den this month.

Check out the videos at the Squatter's Den youtube channel -

Whilst we had Brett and Luke in the Squatter's Den we decided to pounce and ask them the question everyone was dying to know...

SQUATTERS DEN - So what does the future hold for Lilsumo?


SQUATTERS DEN - In at the deep end!

LUKE - Haha  yeah! Loadsa people have being asking us this question... "Are we going to get back together" and that..

BRETT - And Luke O'Gorman (Idiosync) cried to try and get us back together.

LUKE - Yeah, which was quite flattering...

SQUATTERS DEN - Did his Tiger face paint run?

BRETT - Haha Yeah!

LUKE - It's quite nice that people still remember us. 'Cause I kind of think like y'know oh we're sort of like
a has-been band back from early 2000. We kind of think that, like, our music is a little bit dated now, but people still enjoy it, which is good. It does kind of get you excited.

BRETT - It was 8 years ago now!

SQUATTERS DEN - But what does that mean for the future though?

LUKE - I still think... y'know, we might, maybe, do some more recordings...

BRETT - You never know, watch this space!

LUKE - I've definitely got a load of song ideas I'd like to get out of my system!

(Brett Elesmore/Luke Preece)

So, nothing set in stone but it sounds like the enthusiastic response to their appearance at the Morton Stanley Festival has stirred something in these boys... fingers crossed!

Article by Richard Perry.

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