Tuesday 12 October 2010

Review: Paul Smith - Margins

by Chris Deighton

Release Date: 11/10/10 on Billingham Records

If you're into your Northern Rock and by Northern Rock I don't mean the bastards that lead to me writing this review for free, I mean the seemingly ever growing indie trend to place 4/4 guitars with the Gary Barlow voices of the rock world then Paul Smith's "Margins" is the album for you...

However if you're expecting the happy foot stomping sounds of The Arctic Monkeys then I'm afraid you will be bitterly disappointed, as Paul Smith manages to mix what can only be described as elevator music with the emotionally draining Snow Patrol.

It's not all bad news, whilst this album could easily send you to sleep due to Paul's whining voice, that I truly believe should be listed as a cure for insomnia, there are moments throughout the album where even this cynical music reviewer found himself foot tapping along...

Songs like "I Drew Sleeping", "The Crush and the Shatter" and "Dare Not Drive" are worthy of a mention as the strongest on the album drawing clear influences from later Oasis records and Snow Patrol, unfortunately without the charm. However when only three tracks on an album of thirteen stand out, it's time for concern.

Paul's influences are clear from the offset, parts of the album are reminiscent of later John Mayer albums unfortunately they lack the reassuring voice of said vocalist and indeed John's self styled 'crying' guitar that usually accompanies.

If mildly melodic, sleepy music is your cup of tea or in this case cup of Horlick's then "Margins" will be right up your street. However if you're looking for the next northern indie pop sensation I'd suggest staying well clear.

The album is currently available on Billingham Records and Paul is currently touring around the UK and Europe.

Recommeded for: People with Insomnia!



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